This message has been sent to 20+ presumably non Muslim recipients: outspoken journalists, media institutionsactivists: 

Al Jazeera Investigations, Dimitri Lascaris, Linus Svensson, Peter Oborne, Dr Matthew Alford, Middle East Eye, David Miller,Jewish voice for peace, Declassified uk, David Hearst, Farah Nabulsi, Michel Khleifi, Mai Masri, Najwa Najjar, Double Down News, Candace Owens, Francisco Tieri, Henrik Skolde, Idriss Aberkane, MintPressNews, TRT World.  

[A variant of this message has been sent to the following 90+ Muslim institutions, human rights organizations, imams, Muslim influencers, media institutions, popular websites etc etc: 

CAIR, Mohammed Hijab, CAGE International, OnePathNetwork, BBSI (British board of scholars and imams), Critical Content News, Towards Eternity, Imam Karim Abu Zaid, Muslim American Society, Muslim Advocates, The Islamic Council of Europe, Muslim Skeptic, Shaikh al Haddad, Islamic Circle of North America, Daliel, MRWN (Muslim Rights Watch Netherlands), Abdullah al Andalusi, Epic Masjid, Green Lane Masjid, FMO (Federation of Muslim Organizations, Muslim Justice League, National Council of Canadian Muslims, Muslim Legal Fund of America, Islamic Human Rights Commission, Why Islam, Yusha Evans, MSA (Muslim Student Association), Islamicity, Islam Channel, EF Dawah, Jannah Institute, IERA, S2JNews, Hamza Tzortsis, ManyProphetsOneMessage, 5 Pillars, Ilmfeed, DeenShow, Islamomroep, Yaqeen Institute, Sapience Institute, The Thinking Muslim, Propaganda and CO, Dyan Abou Jah Jah, CJ Werleman, Kalamullah.com, Lauren Booth, Safina Society, Adnan Rashid, AboutIslam, Islamreligion.com, Islamonline.net, Muslim Council of Britain, Abu khadeejah, Seekersguidance.org, Islam21c.com, Naseeha Sessions,Musim American Society, ISNA, Arslan Hidayat, Cambridge Muslim Colllege, Merciful Servant,  Abu Taymiyyah, Sense Islam, The Muslim Lantern, The Muslim Metaphysician, MCA (Muslim Community Association), SYFETalk, HudaTV, The3Muslims, Blogging Theology, Sahil Adeem, Saajid Lipham, Marc Lamont Hill, Nouman Ali Khan, One Message Foundations, Gabriel el Romaani, Ali Hammuda, Al Madrasatu Al Umariyyah,  The Warner, Cambridge Central Mosque, Musa Adnan, Wayoflifesq, Hamza Myatt, Ilmstitute, Smile2jannah, Gainpeace.com, Muslimnews.com, Likemedia.tv, DOAM (Documenting Oppression Against Muslims], DigitalMimbar, Islamqa.com, IUMS (International Union of Muslim Scholars, Rational Religion] 



First, let me start with an appeal to everyone :   

Hear me out.  

Because I know how it is: the information overload, the short attention span,  the desensitization, the endless conspiracy claims made on the net. It’s hard to rise above that constant noise.  

I have something extremely important to share with you all, and the evidence I have, to back up everything I am presenting, is overwhelming.  I am sending this to you as all, not only because everyone needs to be aware of this, but also in the hope that you will act upon this, in some way or another  

I am a whistleblower reaching out to expose the truth about a covert and systematic dehumanization campaign against Muslims in Western media, which has existed for more than 50 years. I have analyzed easily up to 100 movies and games, and the monstrosity that I have been led to uncover, not only MUST be known by every Muslim, but because of its alarming nature, this truth must reach everyone. 

Why I say I have been Led to discover this, is not of primary importance now, because I want to lay it all out. The objective proof for everyone to see/hear. Please hear me out, because I assure you, you have never seen anything like this before 

Western media is loaded with subliminals. They are in commercials, video games, movies, and songs. These audio subliminals come in the form of brainwashing campaigns. By brainwashing campaign, I mean, phrases that are repeated over and over again, across literally hundreds of thousands of media productions, for many many years. Media monopolization, by the powers that be, is something real. And for all that time, the same words are repeated again and again. In commercials, videos games, movies, and songs. For 40-50 years. On a long term. It’s systematic.   

There are MANY of these brainwashing campaigns going on. If I had the liberty, I would go into them all, but I do not want to digress. As far as I know, the methods used in all existing brainwashing campaigns, are consistent. It's with 1. Audio subliminalsand 2. visuals synced with the audio subliminals. So, 1. Audio subliminals, and 2. Visual synchronizations 

The reason you are reading this, is to alert you all to the existence of a genuinely shocking anti Muslim dehumanization campaign in Western media . Before I elaborate, it's best to explain how the audio subliminals and the visual syncs work, with an example of another brainwashing campaign. Focus with me and don’t switch off.  All of this is relevant and important to understandI’ll start with the visual syncs: 


Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) warned Muslims about this Antichrist figure , who would have one eye. The Dajjal He is the dark messiah that the secret rulers of the world are awaiting, right? Now listen: there is a specific brainwashing campaign meant to prepare us for his arrival. It’s this sequence of 4 audio phrases: 

''Obey the leader. He has only one eye. He can give you anything you want. He is the creator''. 

Now, each of these 4 audio phrases has its own visual, to reinforce it. For example, in the phrase ''He has only one eye'' is synced with a one eyed person. On screen.  

In this video, I break down a scene from Passion of the Christ. The Jesus and Barnabas scene at the courtyard scene.  www.bitchute.com/video/IAskGOZ2FgrB/  [Open the video in a new tab, and read further for now] 

The scene is about 2 minutes and 45 seconds long, and the whole sequence of 4 audio phrases, is looped 8 times. And as the sequence is being looped, what is shown visually remains synced with the subliminal wordsJesus, as well as Barnabas,  have only one eye throughout the scene, to reinforce the one eyed leader being talked about in the subliminal narrative. But more specifically, at 6:05, a close shot of the one eyed Jesuswhen the subliminal narrative says ''He has only one eye’’. In one of the next loops after that, ONE EYE is synced again with a close shot of the one eyed Jesus, rolling his eye. At 7:48. [Please go ahead and view those close shots   6:06 and 7:48 ]. Those 2 shots are examples of visual synchronizations. Something that is shown, to reinforce the subliminal narrative.   

''He can give you anything you want.''  This phrase is synced with... you could have guessed it: A visual of someone giving something to someone else. Or a subliminal reference to it.  At 8:25 Barnabas makes a fist as if he has something in his hand, and the way he is unchained, looks like he is about to give the guard something. 

For this sequence about the one eyed antichrist, these 2 synchronizations (one eye sync and the giving) are done systematically.  I can show you dozens and dozens of them in other media productions. 

This method of using fitting visuals to reinforce any subliminal narrative, is done across the board. Each audio word/phrase in any given brainwashing campaign, can have its own particular visual aid to drive the point home. These visual synchronizations can still be done, as any given sequence is looped. Every scene, every shot, and even lines in movies/games...  It all can be actually DRIVEN by the subliminal narrative, that you don't even know is there. Once you see how this is all done with such intent and precision... It is truly mind blowing. 

Not only are the syncs consistently done as any given loop is repeated, it's also the fact that these syncs have been done systematically, in the sense of longevity. Decades. A movie from the 60's and a blockbuster movie right now in 2024, could contain the exact same subliminals, and the same exact visual syncs 

These visual synchronizations play a big part in the covert mind control going on in media. For one, it exposes the sophistication, of what are literally brainwashing programs we are consuming every day. And 2,the visual syncs prove, much better than the audio subliminals (that can be ridiculously loud at times), that what I am presenting to you, is real. Not merely auditory hallucinations, or bias in what I want to hear: 


Let me move on to the audio subliminals.... 


The way that the audio subliminals are placed, is consistent for all brainwashing campaigns. They can be categorized in 3 ways. From the faintest, to the loudest. 

1. A very faint voice 

You ever do a hearing test? The audiologist plays very faint sounds/beeps and you are supposed to confirm, by pressing a button. There comes a point when you can just baaarely hear it, and then after that, you can’t hear anything. This is how the audiologist can determine how well your hearing is. That’s the kind of faintness I am talking about. This category of subliminals is very faint, hidden under the music, the sound effects, the dialogue. Voice removal effect alters audio clips in such a way that helps this faint voice surface. But they can still be hard to hear. These type of faint words (subaudible messages) don’t help my case. Most of the time, they require intense attention to pick up. For this reason, I ask you to have patience in this regard. 

2. Syllables and words embedded with other sounds.  

These subliminals can be hidden in other sounds and effects. A car horn, an explosion, a gunshot, a colliding car. Many times in metallic sounds when there is destruction. Think of a train crash and the metallic sounds on impacts. 

3. Fake reactions 

Fake reactions are the most obvious ones. These are the words that are actually uttered by the supposed bystanders in a scene. These are loud voices that you would perceive to be natural reactions by the supposed bystanders, to whatever is going on in a scene, but these words are actually words from any given subliminal narrative, that you do not know is even there.  These voices are inserted later in the editing process, but it’s made to seem like it’s from a crowd, recorded live. It’s not. They are added later. 

The Passion of Christ scene video. Please listen to the words HE CAN and the word ANYTHING. Turn up your volume high enough.. those are NOT random voices. But fake reactions. https://www.bitchute.com/video/IAskGOZ2FgrB/     3:57  

You subconsciously hear these loud syllables and words from different voices and directions [L/R audio], thinking they are natural reactions to the commotion in the court yard in this case,  but you don't realize that all the voices are participating in uttering subliminal phrases. It is the most astonishing thing, when following along with any planted subliminal sequence, and to hear some random voice yell out exactly on cue, for example: ''The leader!'' Or ‘’-thing you want!’’.  Like clockwork 

So... those were the 3 categories of audio subliminals. Any given sequence of phrases, can contain all three categories of subliminals in a scene. Mixed together. When it’s all quiet in a movie or a game scene, it’s the faint voice. When things start to heat up, when many people are involved, and things start to happen on screen, sound effects... That is when the embedded voices and loud fake reactions play their part.  And the sequence could go on and on, word for word. Loop after loop.  


Now that you see the big picture, the real reason I am reaching out 

There is one particular brainwashing campaign, that is extremely common, and extremely disturbing. It is so common, to the point that I am inclined to tell people not to go crazy if they were to read this sequence in the open.   It is anti Muslim, mentioning Allah as a monster, and our Prophet as a p*do. And it is satanic, as it mentions the diety Beelzebub/Satan. This exposes the culprits of this abomination. More alarmingly, it mentions a certain event that they have been hellbent on psychologically preparing the world for: ‘’Muslims’’ attacking six locations with nuclear bombs. 911 styleThen it immediately follows up whispering what should be done to Muslims, and our children. You read that right. Our children. 

Please read the following sequence intently, because I will be referring back to each section, to show you how each part is delivered with designated visuals. 


Listen to the subliminals: 

November 4 Two Thousand Twenty One. The New World Order will begin. Submit to it.  

Muslims will attack Washington, California, London, New York, Rome, and Paris with a cargo plane carrying a nuclear dirty bomb 

Muslims should go to concentration centers. They are dangerous terrorists. Even the young little ones. They want to kill you and your family. They are dangerous terrorists. 

Muslims worship a monster. Don't worship a monster. Worship Beelzebub. Beelzebub is the creator. He has super power. He can make you fly  and make you invisible. Don't worship a monster. Worship Beelzebub. He is the creator. 

Prophet Mohammed was a dirty pedophile. He loved to fck little children.  He is a liar, and a false prophet. Forget him and move on. 


Before outlining the visual synchronizations, important commentary: 

 ''Listen to the subliminals''  

This is exactly how the sequence starts. But is not always said as the sequence is being looped. It's a command to listen to what follows. 

''November 4 2021''  

This sequence as a whole was uncovered about 6 months prior that date. This event did not take place on November 4 2021. Yet this same date is still being used AFTER November 4 2021. Just listen to this ‘’November 4’’ in a Call of Duty mission. 

This ‘’November 4’’ in Angels and Demons [2009] is even clearer: 

''Muslims will attack Washington, California, London, New York, Rome, and Paris with a cargo plane carrying a nuclear dirty bomb.'' 

(First thing you may notice, is that it says  ‘’with a cargo plane’’. Singular, instead of cargo planes as there are 6 locations mentioned. At first I refused to believe that a CARGO plane is actually mentioned. Why such a description? And why only A cargo plane, and not ‘’cargo planes?’’ That’s how it is phrased: with A cargo plane) 

This is the mega false flag event that they have been preparing the masses for. For generations. The phrase is not always the same, but it varies depending on the context. For example, if it is a Call of Duty mission in London, only London is mentioned: 

 ''Muslim will attack LONDON with a...''. https://www.bitchute.com/video/jdD2VobRu3Fv/  4:45 

If it is an action scene that takes place in Washington, a bunch of bad guys attacking the White House, only Washington is mentioned in the phrase: ''Muslims will attack WASHINGTON with a...''  

But when it comes to New York, there is a variant...   

Brothers and sisters in humanity, if you think all of this sounds crazy and unbelievable, the following I will tell you, takes it to another level. Keep in mind, that everything I am presenting can be backed up with loads and loads of evidences based on findings in many many different media productions 

This is the subliminal phrase that has to do with New York. The variant: 

''Muslims will CAUSE A BIG AND DEADLY TSUNAMI in New York with a cargo plane carrying a nuclear dirty bomb''. 

How would this happen? The most obvious is a cargo plane crashing into the east coast and the nuke detonating..  Causing the tsunami.  

Remember the movie Deep Impact from the 90's? A comet hits the Atlantic and it causes a huge tsunami that overwhelms New York? Mind control. And so is Day After TomorrowAlso  a tsunami that hits NY. There are LOTS of other examples.  And there are plenty of clearly audible ‘’big and deadly’’ heardLoud fake reactions. Focus with me... 

The phrase describes the 911 planes specifically as ‘’cargo plane’’. Have a look at A Perfect Circle’s music video ‘’So Long and Thanks For All the Fish’’. A song about nuclear holocaust and mass death: specifically cargo planes. And everyone dies. I came across this music video already KNOWING about this conspiracy Warning: Nudity 

Those 6 nuclear 911’s...  That’s the way to initiate a repressive war against Muslims in the West, and to force us into concentration camps. Six fake 911's that will have severe consequences for our communities, and which will make the demonisation and anti islam hatred after September 11 2001, pale in comparison. 

After the six nuclear 911's, it immediately follows up with: 

''Muslims should go to concentration centers...’’ 

Directly after. This is reminiscient of what the nazis did to the Jews. It is for this reason that the Jewish Voice For Peace is among the recipients of this message. It’s happening all over again. This is their planned agenda for Muslims, and the masses are being desensitized to this horror every day. Every single day 

Redacted has recently reported on detention facilities secretly being built across the US.  youtube.com/ watch?v=kkrQ8ZRsQ8U 

''They are dangerous terrorists'' 

The Islamophobic hate is institutionalized ! And it's relentless. 

‘’Even the young little ones’’ 

Not only is it horrifying that Muslim children are mentioned, but the way these phrases are deliberately delivered with its own visual sync, done again and again...  Absolutely sickening to see. I’ll get to that later... 

The ''Muslims worship a monster...'' and the ''Prophet Mohammed is a dirty pedophile...''. This is the invisible war they have been waging war against Islam covertly. A relentless war using the same words again and again, accompanied with carefully crafted scenarios solely to serve as vehicle to carry their diabolical lies.  


People, believe me when I tell you... This sequence is everywhere. It is in all Call of duty & Battlefield games. It is in FIFA & PES games. It is in romantic movies. It is in action movies. It is EVERYWHERE. Just like other sequences, it is looped. In a video made by the official FC Barcelona youtube channel, apparently just showing the players travelling and training in Australia, the whole sequence is looped three times within 10 minutes. It even contains visual synchronizations that are used everywhere else, like in hollywood movies. I will outline the visual syncs for this particular sequence below... 

Breakdown of FC Barcelona video. https://www.bitchute.com/video/wedk586ezZWJ/ 

In a movie 1 hour and a half long? The whole sequence could be repeated 50-60 times. Easily. Maybe interspersed with other brainwashing campaigns accompanied with fitting visuals. Briefly. Then the usual sequence will continue. 


A couple of quick examples of loud fake reactions for THIS sequence. These are ridiculously loud. Undeniable. Especially this first one: 

‘’Cargo plane carrying’’ in American Werewolf in London [1983] Old.bitchute.com/video/JMcUHJUEIVUY/ 5:35  

‘’Muslims worship a monster’’ in Gorgo [1961]. Notice, from 1961. https://old.bitchute.com/video/ETLDsIfIH1pO/  6:08 

‘’California, London’’ in Knowing [2009] https://old.bitchute.com/video/RfrPsUMqiryH/ 

‘’Fck little’’. Superman [1971] https://old.bitchute.com/video/mJdTMx8tceMB/ 9:40 

I could point out literally dozens and dozens of these. Stunning ones. I have made many many videos breaking down media productions. I strongly urge that you take time to...But please follow along with me for now... 


For this sequence, there are 15 mind blowing visual synchronizations that are done systematically. There are more, but 15 main ones. Below, about 3 examples of visual synchronizations for each section. Please have a look at these 15 syncs, before opening a link. So you can see the progression and the big picture: 

 1. ''Submit to it''   

This phrase telling you to submit to the NWO , is actually synced with some type of visual display of submission 

Twelve Monkeys [1995] It's Bruce Willis getting thrown onto the floor, and ending up in a submissive position  https://www.bitchute.com/video/6Hzb6Uw7SdiX  5:22   

GI JOE Cobra [2009]  The villain commands the woman to leave the elevator, and she complies submissivelyhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/wvHisnkopbp6?playlistId=SuoKd4RDRKZm  2:45  

Far Cry 6 trailer [2023]  https://www.bitchute.com/video/9eO3nHJHmb6S   4:05 The boy trips.. It's the bowing position. 

2. ''.... carrying a nuclear dirty bomb.''  

The visual sync for the word CARRYING, is someone actually carrying something ! On screen.  You could be watching a supermarket scene in Contagion, and a random shopper will pass by the camera shot closely, carrying something. Exactly when the word ''carrying'' is said subliminally. 

The carrying of a rifle in a Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 trailer (2023) and the carrying at a supermarket scene from Contagion [2011] 1:55   https://www.bitchute.com/video/2ZCcokqR0zAu/    

The students carrying items in Star Trek into Darkness [2013] https://old.bitchute.com/video/n1QmIw6yLqUa/   4:35  

The father carrying his son up a ladder from Gorgo [1961!!] https://www.bitchute.com/video/ETLDsIfIH1pO  15:41  

Visual syncs like this one are done systematically. Beyond describing the ''carrying'' of a nuclear dirty bomb, the most sinister visual syncs are the ones that are done, when Muslims are mentioned in the subliminal narrative. 

3. ''Muslims should go to concentration centers...''  

I’m sure you have seen it before in movies. Some catastrophe happens, and you see a large screaming crowd running away. Running away from a godzilla, a tsunami, a monster. Or one person getting into a car to escape a serial killer: Being on the move. That's the visual synchronization that is made to accompany this phrase:  ''Muslims should GO to concentration centers...''  The running crowd subliminally represents Muslims GOING to concentration camps without the viewer realizing! This visual sync can be done again and again. Loop after loop. Realize what I am telling you. This is the level of indoctrination going on. 

This clip contains 4 examples of this on the move sync :  Independance Day [1995], Evan Almighty[2007], War of the Worlds[2005] , Dog Day Afternoon[1975] https://old.bitchute.com/video/0Q0xtkRbPCuu/   4:16  

4. ''Concentration centers'' is synced with big buildings.  

(I have never heard of the term ‘’concentration center’’ before. And never could I have come with this before myself. Again, that’s how it is said) 

In the Far Cry 6 trailer [2023], it's the big buildings in the background  https://old.bitchute.com/video/9eO3nHJHmb6S/ 7:22  

In Day After Tomorrow [2004] , It’s not about the incoming wave. The big shot is for the big buildings.   https://www.bitchute.com/video/eZvZ2zqrqlLe?playlistId=12Ft31M4fvCN  5:29  

5.  ‘They are dangerous terrorists’’  

This phrase is synced with some kind of threat. 

In a Call of Duty MW3 game. After the destruction, the line, ''look what they did to our homes''   https://old.bitchute.com/video/jdD2VobRu3Fv/  6:45  

In Deep Impact, it's synced with the destruction of the statue of liberty by the tsunami.  https://old.bitchute.com/video/04pjc8bDQAsT/  7:34 

6. ''Even the young little ones''  

Speaking of our children, who need to go to these ''concentrations centers'' as well.  What these demons are doing to reinforce this, will make your blood boil ! They will either introduce a child into the scene, or show a contrast in height. The contrast height is done alot with someone looking smaller in the background, in depth. So, an actual child, or contrast in height. Absolutely horrifying to see. 

In the Day After [1983!] , the girl, resisting going into the shelter while the subliminal narrative is talking about Muslim children having to go to concentration centers. That’s how synchronizations workhttps://old.bitchute.com/video/QEkYyqYeHtgF/    3:35 

In World Trade Center [2006] with Nicholas Cage, it's the cop looking like about to grab an Arab looking kid..  https://www.bitchute.com/video/NIOmfjuq4kug  5:50 

In a trailer for a Spooks Code 9 [2008], it's the soldier keeping an eye on a child inside a house.. https://www.bitchute.com/video/juwWC2b9c0fA  8:44  

In Hereafter [2010], the shot of the running girl. It’s like she is GOING to a concentration center. https://old.bitchute.com/video/UkrgKEFBedFY/ 7:20  

In X men The Last Stand [2006], it's the jailed boy. https://old.bitchute.com/video/5Qg0dZndfwsP/  7:50 

Even in I Pet Goat 2 [2012].. the figure being pulled back into the darkness is synced with ‘’Muslims should go to concentration centers’’, and the dangerous looking armed boy. He is among the ''young little ones who want to kill you''! https://www.bitchute.com/video/M3jjA24KiWZg?playlistId=12Ft31M4fvCN  15:06  

7. ''They want to kill you and your FAMILY''   

 The word FAMILY is synced with an actual family, or a shot of multiple people. 

 Day After Tomorrow [2013] 1https://old.bitchute.com/video/yadUNhCN0KjI/ 10:31 

In Twelve Monkeys [1995], it's a shot of the multiple mental asylum staff. https://old.bitchute.com/video/6Hzb6Uw7SdiX/  7:53 

In Xmen Last stand [2006] , it's the shot with the 3 uniformed soldiers. https://old.bitchute.com/video/5Qg0dZndfwsP/ 7:42 

8.  ''Muslims WORSHIP a monster.''  

 When it is done really cleverly, the word WORSHIP is actually reinforced with the Muslim prostration! You think it's someone who just falls on the floor in a movie scene. On his hands and knees. But the viewer doesn't realize that it's reinforcing the phrase.: ''Muslims WORSHIP a monster.''  

This is a stunning example from a Fawlty towers [1973] episode, it's John Cleese prostrating on the floor. The subliminals hidden in the laughing track. Loud fake reactions from the crowd, who are only supposed to be laughing. 

In Hellboy [2019]  , it's the character prostrating on the road ! https://www.bitchute.com/video/BIGaLs7CVt32  7:50  

In Rocky 1 [1976], it's Appollo laying on the ring's floor.    https://old.bitchute.com/video/aw9IiFlqZIE4/ 6:20 

In Superman 1 [1978], the passengers leaning forward together https://www.bitchute.com/video/iQsaM8v18W4q  6:44  

9.    ''Muslims worship a MONSTER.''   

Same phrase, but specifically the word ‘’Monster’’. The word ''monster'' is synced regularly with light. Yes. Light. In the sense that  God is lightSatanists do believe in God, yet see him as this oppressive diety. They know that He is Light but they have chosen darkness.  This Monster/Light sync is the most profound one 

In Enemy of the State [1998], it's the bright light shining into the bar https://www.bitchute.com/video/ifnaKZ1yA9sl  5:45  

In Meshuggah's music video Abysmal Eye, it's the light the robed worshippers are heading towards. https://www.bitchute.com/video/dlCTGX9o7sX3  9:43 

In a Far Cry 6 trailer [2022], it's the light shining on the left side of the boy's face https://www.bitchute.com/video/9eO3nHJHmb6S  9:27    

In the TV serie serie 10.5, it's the lamp above. https://www.bitchute.com/video/TD5SacuFiUsJ  7:02 

10. ''Beelzebub is the creator/He is the creator''  

Satanic mind control. The word CREATOR, mentioned twice in the sequence,  is reinforced with a visual of the SKY.  

The Message [1976 The sky.... https://www.bitchute.com/video/I1iHuk2t4Tfb   13:49  

In the Day After [1983] , the sky... https://www.bitchute.com/video/QEkYyqYeHtgF  8:16  

Armageddon [1998]. Look how weird the shot is. That much sky in the background. And looking right into the camera. It’s NOT randomThey know exactly what they are doing. https://old.bitchute.com/video/mD05odBsjXUA/  8:51  

11. ''He can make you FLY’ 

FLY is accompanied with actual flying, or a subliminal reference to it.  

In the Day After, it's the man with the outstretched arms simulating flying. https://www.bitchute.com/video/QEkYyqYeHtgF  7:30  

In Gi Joe Rise of Cobra [2009], two seperate example in 2 loops. Climbing up the building, and the plane flying by https://www.bitchute.com/video/wvHisnkopbp6   6:10 - 17:10       

In The Grey [2011] , the shot showing Neeson as if flying. https://old.bitchute.com/video/mAlWqzwNO0Z7/  7:55  

In Evan Almighty [2007] , it's the pidgeons right on time https://www.bitchute.com/video/y6KZeCdwP9Px 6:48 

12. ''...and make you invisible''  

INVISIBLE is synced with a brief invisibility of a person/object in focus. Smoke covering up something or someone, is also done a lot. 

In Armageddon, it's the dust and the big block that covers up the characters... https://old.bitchute.com/video/mD05odBsjXUA/  11:06 

Even in a video made by the official FC Barcelona channel, it's 2 players who disappear..  https://old.bitchute.com/video/wedk586ezZWJ/   13:42  

In War of the Worlds, 2 examples in 2 loops... https://old.bitchute.com/video/4zN9eW7kfSLX/  19:30-26:13 

This is how both syncs for FLYING AND INVISIBILITY are done consecutively 

In Team America World Police, the FLYING is the plane, the invisibility is done with the terrorist disappearing into the building. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Uz4yhcVVeBXZ   5:28 

In Enemy of the State [1998] , the FLYING is the shot from above. The disappearing is the 2 barbers being covered up by the pursuing agent. https://www.bitchute.com/video/ifnaKZ1yA9sl   6:50  

13. ''He love to FCK little children''.  

Theword FCK is reinforced by a simulation of sex! From what I have seen, mostly it’s one laying on top of another 

In Superman, it's the old man embracing the black guy on the floor.. Loud ‘’fck little’’ by the girl.  https://old.bitchute.com/video/iQsaM8v18W4q/   5:08  

In the tv serie 10.5 [2004] , it's the woman lying on top of the other.    https://www.bitchute.com/video/TD5SacuFiUsJ  9:36 

In World War Z [2013], there are many of these examples. Laying on top of the other, thrusting!   https://old.bitchute.com/video/gZ71NEvVx77y/   9:48  

14.  ‘’Little children’’ 

A child is introduced in some way or another. Or there is a contrast in height. The same as ‘’even the young little ones’’. 

In Scarface [1983] , the kid Scarface talks to, at the beach resort! When Manolo gets slapped. https://old.bitchute.com/video/BXYCSA3XEh1F/  5:43 

In San Andreas, this whole section is synced with the guy saving the girl... [2015] https://old.bitchute.com/video/0mmUgHFAWyIK/   3:56 

 In GI Joe Cobra [2009], the camera is slanted in such a way that makes the woman look shorter than the man. That's the contrast in height! This is the kind of war we are dealing with! 

15. ''Forget him and move on.''  

This is similiar to the on the move sync for Muslims should go.  Moving. Moving on from something. 

In American Werewolf in London[1981], it's the woman running away from the detective who is chasing her. She symbolizes moving on from the Prophet.   https://old.bitchute.com/video/JMcUHJUEIVUY/  10:13  

In I Pet Goat 2 [2012] , it's the figure getting up and walking forward. Moving on, after being in a bad shape previously..   https://www.bitchute.com/video/M3jjA24KiWZg  19:15  

In Godzilla [2014] , it's the bus driving past. The ‘’Forget him and move on’’ is loudhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/6XG8Ulk7AOuW  10:04  


That’s how the visual syncs work in this sequence. The examples shown above, are highlights from this movie, or that movie, but the the best way to open your eyes to this, is seeing the continuity of it all. Shot after shot, scene after scene. How the audio subliminals align perfectly with what is shown. It’s absolutely amazing. 

As you can see from the links above, I have produced a lot of videos containing breakdowns of scenes. I point out when each audio syllable is said, and how it’s all synced. Here are the main videos I would recommend that you watch With patience and focus, because of the faintness of much of the subliminal messaging. It is a lot of material, but the strength and the relevance of all of this, is the magnitude of this conspiracy. These are not isolated cases, but the same subliminals and visual synchronizations being done in many different media productions, over generations 

I very strongly recommend that you use headphones, with loud volume, as much as you can handle, so you can get to what’s going on in the background. Phone speakers are not good enough, and may mute the audio clips with voice removal effect.  


Scarface https://www.bitchute.com/video/BXYCSA3XEh1F 

Far Cry 6 https://www.bitchute.com/video/9eO3nHJHmb6S 

Dog Day Afternoon https://www.bitchute.com/video/CCfkzyHlM6T2 

Rocky https://www.bitchute.com/video/aw9IiFlqZIE4 

The Grey https://www.bitchute.com/video/mAlWqzwNO0Z7 

World war z https://www.bitchute.com/video/gZ71NEvVx77y 

Godzilla https://www.bitchute.com/video/6XG8Ulk7AOuW 

Armageddon https://www.bitchute.com/video/mD05odBsjXUA 

Hellboy https://www.bitchute.com/video/BIGaLs7CVt32 

Knowing train https://www.bitchute.com/video/RfrPsUMqiryH 


Day After https://www.bitchute.com/video/QEkYyqYeHtgF 

White House Down https://www.bitchute.com/video/IKzngJUXNfVr 


10.5 www.bitchute.com/video/TD5SacuFiUsJ 

Superman 1 https://old.bitchute.com/video/mJdTMx8tceMB/ 

X Men Last Stand https://old.bitchute.com/video/5Qg0dZndfwsP/ 


Star Trek into Darkness https://old.bitchute.com/video/n1QmIw6yLqUa/ 

Gorgo https://old.bitchute.com/video/ETLDsIfIH1pO/ 

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 https://old.bitchute.com/video/jdD2VobRu3Fv/ 


The Divide https://old.bitchute.com/video/LWVCCQcD0b3C/ 

Hereafter https://old.bitchute.com/video/UkrgKEFBedFY/ 

Deep Impact https://old.bitchute.com/video/04pjc8bDQAsT/ 

Day After Tomorrow https://old.bitchute.com/video/yadUNhCN0KjI/ 


We’re all well aware of the rise in tensions in Europe. The far right vs the (Muslim) immigrants in the UK. In recent months, hostile right wing parties have been making significant gains in their own respective European countries. Any catastrophic event in the form of a nuclear 911 in London, plus 5 other places could set the fire to the world, not to mention the humungous loss of life.  All of this will be done by a fake entity. If you are thinking ISIS, you thought well. It is ISIS that has released posters warning about attacks in all the 6 locations mentioned in the sequence. In order: 

The white house in Washington  

The golden gate bridge California 

The big ben in London 

New York. Drone right over the water, the yellowish clouds above the horizon. You draw your own conclusion. 


The colosseum in Rome 

 The eiffel tower in Paris 

It’s ISIS. It’s ISIS that is now perfectly positioned to serve as a patsy. If ISIS shows its ugly face again, threatening 911 style terror attacks in the West, and the terror levels go up, up to severe, that should be a SERIOUS alarm to get out of the locations mentioned in the sequence. Because it Will happen. And there is no power except with God’s Will. 

This agenda involves the internment of Muslims in the West, after the nuclear 911’s. And this could be carried out with a blinding urgency in the case of a supposedly imminent next nuke-laden plane crashing. For the sake of ‘’security’’. Or isolating the threat: Do NOT fall for it ! 

What are the chances that the same subliminals that have been used for decades, could in some way or another, be activated by putting it out in the open? For example, right after the nuclear 911’s, a political leader or anyone in mass media,  would repeat the same words: 

 ‘’Muslims have attacked Washington, California, London, New York, Rome and Paris with a cargo plane carrying a nuclear dirty bomb. Muslims should go to concentration centers..’’  

Putting people into some kind of a trance, using the same words they have been subconsciously hearing, practically all their lives Because if you look at the choice of name to refer to the devil:   Beelzebub. Isn’t that an odd way to refer to the devil? Most know him as satan. Beelzebub is more of an occult name. Most have never heard of that name. The point is, there may be another component of this mind control mechanism that I am not aware of. Some kind of activation system. To drive the point home. I put this forward to you, because there is another brainwashing campaign telling the listener to literally kill Muslims, in a horrific way. But that’s all I am going to say. 

Now, after laying it all out: the subliminals, the visual synchronizations, the looping and all of that.. I say this to you: 

I saw it in a dream. I saw how a plane crashed in the distance. A nuclear explosion emanated from that crash, and the nuclear blast approached. I covered my eyes and said the shahada, the Muslim testimony of faith that every Muslim should try to say when death is imminent. That was it. That’s the ‘’cargo plane carrying a nuclear dirty bomb’’. They killed me in my dream. What happened after the dream was a continuous chase, till the discovery of the sequence. By God, the way I pieced the sequence together, which is pretty long, across many media productions and considering the elusiveness of the (various types of) subliminals... There is just no way I could have been led down this path without divine guidance. 

Brothers and sisters, I am earnestly asking you to take time to look into all that I have shared. Because this is it ! This demonic anti Islam mind control has been going on since the 60’s, and I guarantee you, it will be the same sequence that will be looped again and again in the next Call of Duty game. In the next EA FC game. In the next Mission Impossible movie. I guarantee you that 




This is the secret war that is being waged against Islam and Muslims. 

This is the truth about the Western media that even Muslims have become slave to. 

This is the rude awakening that should open everyone’s eyes, especially Muslims, regarding the sinister nature of Western media today, and what their satanic anti Muslim agenda is.   

Take this on and do something with this. If your eyes have opened to this, yet you don’t want to be associated with this in any way, please pass this on to someone who will 

 Nebulous1982 [labyrinthofmazes@live.nl] 





